U.S. Brokers Network is providing updated information on E & O situations during COVID-19.
A pandemic does not mean you are going to have an E & O claim, but it does mean you need to take time to focus energies on your existing clients.
So take time out to review E & O Procedures in your office. Remind your staff that it may take longer to work with a customer to find the correct coverage. Use rejection forms, reduction of coverage forms and explain by lowering limits may result in financial harm in the event of a 100% total loss.
As we post information, we encourage policyholders to reach out to our 1-800 risk management hotline that is free for all policyholders of Wesco Insurance Company. You will find the hotline phone number located on your policy cover letter.
U.S Brokers Network Resources:
Burand's Insurance Agency Adviser Resources and Information for the P&C Insurance Industry- CLICK HERE
Insurance Agent and Broker Loss Control: Keys to Avoiding and Mitigating E&O Claims in the COVID-19 Environment- CLICK HERE
Important information on COVID-19 and E & O Claims: